What will you learn during this tutorial?

When you finish this tutorial you will learn about Fiddler, Requirement and Prerequisites in order to download Fiddler,Download and Install Fiddler 4 on Windows 7 by following step by step instructions which is provided here in this tutorial. At the end of the tutorial additional resources link and videos will be provided for you to explore and dive deep into Fiddler.

What is Fiddler?

  1. The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform.
  2. Fiddler web debugging proxy helps you record, inspect and debug traffic from any browser.
  3. Debug web traffic from any Windows-based PC, Mac or Linux system and mobile devices alike.
  4. Fiddler is here to help, no matter what platform or language you use to develop.

Source: http://www.telerik.com/fiddler

Requirement for this Tutorial

Before you begin this tutorial you’ll need the following:

  • Windows 7 machine with internet access to Install Fiddler on your machine


  • Operating System OS: Windows 7
  • Framework: Fiddler4 requires .NET v4
  • Disk Space: 8MB
  • Processor: 1GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB+ recommended

Now lets get started…

There are 2 installers available to download Fiddler depending on your needs.

 - Download Full version of Fiddler and
 - Download FiddlerCap,For web traffic capture only.

Step 1 — Download and Install the Full version of Fiddler.

    Please Follow the following steps to Download and Install Fiddler Version using Chrome Browser.
  1. Navigate to this URL https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler to access the official Fiddler download page.


  2. You will be presented with this Download Page.


  3. Under Download Fiddler,Select the appropriate answer for the question “How do you plan to use Fiddler”, enter your email address and check the box for I accept the Fiddler End User License Agreement.

  4. Click the big red Download button.


  5. Downloading Fiddler message appears and you can see the Fiddlersetup.exe installer beings to download.

  6. After the download is completed click the Fiddlersetup.exe installer.

  7. If “User Control Account” dialog box” appears, Click Yes.


  8. Click on I Agree to accept the License Agreement.

  9. Leave the default derectory or browse and select the derectory where you want to install Fiddler.


  10. Click on Install


  11. The Fiddler Setup completed screen appears.


  12. Click on Close


  13. Click on Windows Orbit, Type Fiddler 4 on the search box . Click on Fiddler 4 which appears on the top.


  14. Congratulations! You are now presented with Fiddler application interface, which is ready to use.You have successfully Downloaded and Installed the full version of Fiddler Version

Now follow the Step 2 to install FiddlerCap.

Step 2 — Install the FiddlerCap,For web traffic capture only.

Follow the following steps to Download and Install FiddlerCap.
  1. Navigate to the URL: http://www.telerik.com/fiddler/fiddlercap


  2. Click on big red Download Installer button.

    02_fcap_ setupexe

  3. Click on the Installer.


  4. Click on Run.


  5. Leave the default derectory or browse and select the derectory where you want to install FiddlerCap.Click on Install


  6. Click Close.


  7. You are now presented with FiddlerCap application interface.


Congratutulations!You have learnt about Fiddler,Requirement and Prerequisites in order to download Fiddler,Download and Install Fiddler 4 on Windows 7 by following step by step instructions which is provided here in this tutorial.

Where to go from here?

Here are some useful links for you to learn more about Fiddler.